Explosives and Narcotics Dopants from VICI Metronics

narcotics and explosives dopants
  • Direct from the manufacturer
  • In stock for immediate delivery via air or ground
  • Drop shipped globally for no additional fee
  • No minimum order
  • Volume discounts -- call for quote

VICI Metronics is the leading manufacturer of explosives, narcotics, and chemical warfare dopants for security (ammonia, DCM, BHT), law enforcement, border patrol, military, correctional, and other trace detection industry professionals.

The explosive dopant kit is a small permeable, inert tube containing dichloromethane (DCM), packaged in a sealed leak tight plastic cylinder. The narcotic dopant kit consists of three small permeable, inert tubes packaged in a leak tight plastic cylinder inside a metal cylinder. The extended life version lasts from 5 to 7 months.

Our team is eager to assist you with special applications.

Dopant kit Compound Product No.
Explosives Dichloromethane (DCM) 100-100-4201-U30
Narcotics Standard lifetime Ammonia 110-100-0140-U30KT
Extended lifetime (5-7 months) Ammonium carbamate 100-100-3121-U30


Contact us for more information about any of these products.