Two position valves switch back and forth between Load and Inject, or Position A and Position B. Selectors ( multiposition valves) operate in continuous revolutions by incremental steps. There are several ways to actuate each type of valve, along with a number of supporting controllers and devices to interface the actuators with computer-controlled systems.
Universal electric actuator
The universal actuator allows instrument manufacturers to use a single motor and control software to operate virtually any Valco or Cheminert rotary valve - two position or selector.

Modular Universal actuator
The Modular Universal offers the same functionality as the Universal, in a flexible design that lets you mount the motor and electronics in different locations

Air actuators
Air actuators are useful in situations where any spark could be disastrous, where heat could compromise an electric actuator, or where electricity just isn't available.

Microelectric actuators
Microelectric actuatorsfeature automatic valve alignment, high-speed switching, and compact size.

Mounting hardware
Valves in ovens require a standoff assembly to keep the actuator out of the heated zone. If a valve is not going to be heated beyond the temperature range of the actuator, closemount hardware often makes the cleanest installation.