
Valco valves for gas chromatography have been in almost all commercially-produced GCs from the time that GC valves began to replace other injection methods.

The VICI diaphragm valve is designed for trouble-free use in applications requiring minimal maintenance and maximum lifetime.

Valco fittings are compression fittings, in which a ferrule is compressed onto the tube as a nut is tightened. They offer the best stability and reliability for GC applications.
Our PDD (pulsed discharge detector) utilizes a stable, low-powered, pulsed DC discharge in helium as the ionization source, which yields performance equal to or better than conventional radioactive sources.
The microvolume, dual filament TCD is a stand-alone unit optimized for capillary chromatography and enhanced sensitivity at low flow rates.
Fast GC components

VICI's single channel and multichannel fast temperature programmers (FTPs) are designed for precise temperature programming with rapid heating and cooling of a low mass nickel-wire-wrapped designed for precise temperature programming with rapid heating and cooling of a low mass nickel-clad or nickel-wire column. The column is resistively-heated by applying a low-voltage current to the column coating or wire.
Gas purifiers
Contaminant traps and gas purifiers for specific gases dramatically reduce the levels of contaminants, enhance the purity of lower grade helium, and help ensure instrument stability and reproducibility while lowering maintenance costs.
- Gas purifiers from VICI Metronics
- Contaminant traps from VICI Metronics
- Heated nitrogen and helium purifiers from VICI Valco Instruments

Gas generators
Hydrogen generators and nitrogen generators from VICI DBS offer safe, economical, and convenient alternatives to gas cylinders in GC applications.

HayeSep porous polymers

HayeSep porous polymers are macroporous, spherical, ultrapure resins for performing unique separations in gas chromatography. Columns packed with HayeSep polymers produce lower bleed and more reproducible characteristics than those packed with any competing polymeric product.
We offer several unique accessories to enhance the performance and usability of your gas chromatography system.
Trace gas analyzers

VICI Trace Gas Analyzer Systems are fully configured and tested gas chromatographs designed for use in high purity and ultra high purity analysis. Each instrument is fully configured and tested per user requirements.