Impurities in Food Grade CO2
Food and beverage grade CO2 is routinely analyzed for trace level impurities which might impart an undesirable flavor to the product or which would pose a potential health hazard. Used in the argon photoionization mode, the PDD has little response to the CO2 matrix peak but excellent sensitivity to all peaks of interest. This analysis previously required the use of multiple detectors, with decreased sensitivity.

Run conditions | |
Sample | 100 µl of a blend in CO2 generated with a Dynacalibrator® and Dynacal® permeation tubes |
Detector mode | Argon photoionization |
Discharge gas | 2% Ar in helium, 45 mL/min |
Dopant gas | None |
Carrier | Helium @ 5 mL/min |
Detector temp | 100°C |
Column | (5%-Phenyl)-methylpolysiloxane, 30m x 0.25mm x 1.0µm |
Column temp | 25°C for 5 min, to 130°C at 20°C/min, hold for 5 min |