Heated valve enclosures
These insulated enclosures allow valves to be operated at temperatures independent of other controlled zones of analytical instruments. All enclosures include a heater block and heater assembly.

Heated column enclosures
These insulated enclosures allow columns to be operated at temperatures independent of other controlled zones of analytical instruments. All enclosures include a heater block and heater assembly.

Heater assemblies
A heater assembly includes a standard heater block, heater cartridge, and line cord.

Heater blocks
The standard heater block is a high mass, multipurpose design which can be used with any Valco valve. A mass version works well with two position valves.

Heater cartridges
These heater cartridges are for single valve heater blocks. Contact us about cartridges for larger heater blocks.
Instrumentation temperature controller
The ITC is an isothermal proportional controller for use in the thermal systems common to analytical instrumentation, and is often used with our heated valve enclosures.